
Aug 30, 2009

A walk in the woods...

A walk in the woods..., originally uploaded by mdcellphoto.

We were almost carried away by mosquitoes, but I managed to get a
couple of photos with my new gadget thingy. A wide/macro lens for my
iPhone! I know I'm a sucker for these types of things. Fun!

A walk in the woods..., originally uploaded by mdcellphoto.

A walk in the woods..., originally uploaded by mdcellphoto.

A walk in the woods..., originally uploaded by mdcellphoto.

A walk in the woods..., originally uploaded by mdcellphoto.

A walk in the woods..., originally uploaded by mdcellphoto.

A walk in the woods..., originally uploaded by mdcellphoto.

A walk in the woods..., originally uploaded by mdcellphoto.


  1. wow! thats from an iphone? which lens is it?

  2. This is the link to the lens:

    as you can see quality is not the greatest, but I'm not too worried about that. The fun factor is high and that counts for more when it comes to the iPhone.
